yin water rabbit

Yin Water Rabbit Chinese New year 2023

We will be gifted the qualities of greater peace, harmony, and growth in this new year of the Yin Water Rabbit beginning January 22, 2023.  A much need reprieve from the tumultuous year of the Tiger last year.  Rabbits in general are known to be vigilant, rational, calm, creative, and affectionate.   Their level-headedness allows for a practical approach to life, and in turn, are wonderful at setting up strategies that will lead to long term growth and success.

Rabbits can hop around and run quickly stirring up new vital energy, but also are known to rest, and restore underground.  That balance of energy allows for great plans and potential to spring forth. Also, their agility can aid in letting go of things that hold you back and instead just go for it!  Ultimately what holds us back the most in life is underlining fear.  This would be a good year to address fears known and unknown, so they can be transformed, absolved, and your pure potential can be brought out to play.  Rabbits are known for their creativity and having an inner artist driving their pursuits.

The wood element is strong with rabbits and the thing in Chinese medicine and its philosophy that supports wood is water. Water nourishes wood or any plant for that matter. Yin water is part of the astrological make up this year, so the rabbit’s innate qualities will be especially strong.  The water element goes with the flow, allows and accepts change more easily, and ultimately is expansive.  Water is also associated with the mystically attributes of life, so it’s a year where any magical practices, astrology, feng shui, and other mystical arts will be more widely accepted and utilized.

The yin aspect of the year also is associated with the feminine, the dark, and emotion.  Because of the expansive water element imbued into this year, we might be more emotional in general, so it is a great time to do grounding and body based practices such as swimming, yoga, qi gong or any kind of movement practice that suits your body so emotions do not become too overwhelming or stagnate.  Self-care is natural for rabbits, so make sure you are prioritizing your health and do not overeat, or drink in excess.  To keep things moving for the wood element it’s important to pay attention to our liver system, consuming healthy greens in particular.  Consider consulting with your acupuncturist especially in the spring time to address any concerns around this part of your body.

Besides career advancement, business building in general will be prosperous, as will the financial market.  We will see growth in many sectors; investments that support nature such as electric vehicles, solar and wind power, and sustainable forestry, will be particularly profitable.  Human rights groups will also flourish, as well as enterprises that focus on compassionate action.  Rabbits are not known to go directly into war, rather they thump their foot on the ground to ward off predators and in essence stand up and make noise instead of going directly in to fight.

In regards to relationships, think of the word tenderness.  This is a great year for finding new love and deepening existing relationships.  Emotions and passion drive a lot of this year, but as mentioned before its a time of letting go of what holds you back.  More intimate truths will be revealed for shedding, transforming, and forgiving.  Rabbits in general are gentle, affectionate and compassionate, so carry tenderness in your heart as you move forward and deepen in 2023.

I know many of us could use a year of tranquility, strategic growth, and a little bit of creative fun too!  I look forward to seeing what those in my community bring forth. Listen, watch, and take part.  Everyone will be feeling it.