How Golden Point Acupuncture
Got Our Name

A mathematical golden ratio has been found in human form, nature and art alluding to the perfect make-up of beauty present in all forms and structures.  It was a ratio found to be present in the arrangement of stems and branches of plants, skeletons of animals, and phenomenal architecture such as the Great Pyramids.

This ratio was applied to the body by many famous artists and doctors of the past, one of whom was a teacher of mine from China.  During the course of my studies, he expressed the importance of using points on the body that matched the areas of intersection of the golden ratio 1.618 . . . .

Golden light has been a powerful source of imagery for my studies with qi gong.

This ancient practice focuses on qi, or vital energy, that circulates in the human body.  Its foundation is rooted in meditation and martial arts practices that can improve health, resolve illness, and overcome stress.  Often visual concepts of light, sound, and other imagery have been used during these practices.  Golden light is one that is considered grounding and closely related to the color of the earth element, yellow.  This color is enriching for the spleen and stomach, two important organs for digestion in Chinese medicine perspectives.  It is also the nourishing color for the feeling of worry, the emotion that can arise when the spleen is out of balance.

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